Solid Security, LLC

Solid Alarm Systems

Solid Security uses only Tattletale proven alarm systems.
Wireless Alarm Systems

Tattletale has been in the security business for over 16 years.
Tattletale has created a device that not only saves lives, but is also incredibly durable and completely portable. You can literally move the new unit anywhere you want protected.
A system so robust the government trusts it to protect the United States Constitution while in transit. How can you say no to a device that protects the Rolling Stones while on tour.
Commercial Systems

Tattletale is a true wireless cellular security product with built in monitoring for security the most remote sites where there is no infrastructure present Just plug it in and GO!
Tattletale portable alarms have been protecting the largest commercial job sites under the most extreme conditions for 15 years without ever being defeated.
There are over 1200 utility sub-stations, nuclear power plants, and Blackhawk helicopters protected by tattletale.
Personal Systems